Tuesday 29 March 2011


Light source from window
Direction the plant is growing - positive phototropism

- The plant grows in the direction of the (lateral) light source
- Auxin in the pink side causes more growth

Monday 28 March 2011

2.81 phototropism

Phototropism - growth responses to light

Positive phototropism - towards light

Stem tip:
uniform light coming in from all directions - grows upwards

lateral light source (from one side) - stem bends towards the light

Auxin (plant hormone) causes more growth in the opposite side (side without light) - bending the plant

2.80 geotropism

Geotropism - growth responses to gravity

seed growing
- embryonic roots growing downwards = positive geotropism
- embryonic shoot growing upwards = negative geotropism

if the seed is rotated, the shoot still grows upwards (neg. geotropism)
the root still grows downwards (pos. geotropism)

2.79 plants and stimuli

Stimuli - changes in the environment
e.g. temperature, light, gravity changes

Receptor - can detect stimuli
therefore making a response

- growth
i.e. tropism - growth in response to stimulus
phototropism - tropism that involves light
geotropism - tropism in response to gravity

Connection between receptor and response - plant hormones (or plant growth regulators - e.g. Auxin)

Saturday 19 March 2011

2.54 Transpiration

Transpiration: evaporation of water from the surface of a plant

H2O (l) ---> H2O (g)
Heat + sunlight (light energy converts to heat as structure of leaf absorbs light)

evaporation through stomatal pores

Water transport = root -> stem -> leaf (by xylem) -> (gas) stomatal pores

Chloroplasts not absorbing all the light - some absorbed by other cell structures
water ---> (xylem) ----> mesophyll layer (spongy)
above stomatal pore: phase change - liquid -> gas (evaporation)

Gas diffuses through pore (steep diffusion gradient)
- humidity

1. sunlight warms leaf
2. liquid -> gas from heat
3. diffusion

Tuesday 15 March 2011

2.53 uptake of water in the roots

- branching pattern in root hair cell
   - increase surface area for absorption of water
   - roots branch out, looks for water source
- hairs emerging from end of root - root hairs
   - epidermal cells
   - cell wall extended (root hair structure) - increases surface area for abs H2O
- root hair structure on epidermal cells
   - surface area concept
   - mechanism - active transport of minerals (movement against conc. gradient, involving energy)
- plant actively concentrates minerals inside root, encourages plant to take in water by osmosis (from dilute (soil water) to concentrated (created by building up minerals in cells))
- water moves across cortex of root to xylem by osmosis