Monday, 7 November 2011

2.75 Urine

2.75 recall that urine contains water, urea and salts

Urine contains:
- Salts
- Water
- Urea
Amount varies on the condition a person is operating

Salt + H2O affects the composition of tissue fluid

Urea - Excretion of metabolic waste

2.74 ADH

2.74 describe the role of ADH in regulating the water content of the blood

Anti diuretic hormone - ADH

Produced in the hypothalamus
- Flows to the bloodstream
- Target is the kidney

Effect of ADH
- Control and alter the quantity of water in the blood
- Ability to make the blood more or less concentrated
- Tissue fluid needs to be isotonic with the cytoplasm of the cell

ADH targets the collecting duct
- Allows more water to come out of the collecting duct
- Collecting duct ===selective reabsorption===> Blood
         - ADH makes collecting duct walls more porous
- Water goes back into the blood

Consequence of ADH secretion
- Urine more concentrated
- Lower volume

ADH response to hot days, cold days, dehydration

2.73 Glucose reabsorption

2.73 understand that selective reabsorption of glucose occurs at the proximal convoluted tubule

Selective reabsorption of glucose
Reabsorption - Glomerular filtrate => Blood

End of the nephron: Urine
- Normally urine does not have glucose
- If there is glucose in the urine - diabetes

Proximal convoluted tubule (first)
- Glucose is removed
- Taken back into the blood

2.72 Water reabsorption

2.72 understand that water is reabsorbed into the blood from the collecting duct

Bowman's Capsule - location of ultrafiltration

Dissolved contents of the blood are forced into glomerular filtrate
When filtration occurs - will filter out too much water therefore selective reabsorption occurs

Selective reabsorption of water occurs in the collecting duct:

Filtrate reaches the collecting duct
- Water is removed from the filtrate
- Returned back into the blood vessels
- Back into the bloodstream
- Selected and reabsorbed into the blood

2.71 Ultrafiltration

2.71 describe ultrafiltration in the Bowman’s capsule and the composition of the glomerular filtrate

Nephron - Structure which carries out the filtration of blood
- Filtered blood ("cleaned blood")
- Urine (the waste)

Urine - Water (H2O), salts, urea (N)

Beginning of the nephron structure begins at the Bowman's capsule
Where ultrafiltration begins

Filtration of blood:

1. Blood arriving in the kidney
Afferent arteriole
High pressure (come from an artery)
2. Blood leaving the kidney
Efferent arteriole
Narrow blood vessel (smaller than afferent arteriole)
3. Afferent ==> Efferent
Blood develops a high pressure
Blood pressure increases in glomerulus
4. High pressure forces the liquid in blood (plasma, which includes H2O, salts, amino acids, glucose, urea) into the inside of the Bowman's capsule (and consequently into the glomerula filtrate)

5. Glomerula filtrate
Plasma contains H2O, salts, amino acids, glucose, urea

Blood has been filtered by high pressure
Forces the liquid into the tube


2.70 Nephron Structure

2.70 describe the structure of a nephron, to include Bowman’s capsule and glomerulus, convoluted tubules, loop of HenlĂ© and collecting duct

Nephron - functional unit of the kidney (filtration, controlling of composition of blood)

Aorta - taking blood into the kidney (renal artery)
Urine goes down into the ureters and into the bladder for excretion
Filtered blood goes back into the bloodstream through the renal vein (returns to the vena cava)

- Cortex
- Medulla
- Pelvic region - Space where the urine collects and drains down into the ureter

Kidney made up of millions of tubular structures (nephrons)
Tube starts on the edge of the medulla - dead end structure shown in diagram

Bowman's capsule - the dead end structure

Nephron - Tubular structure

Convoluted tubules - twisted sections
Dip in the nephron - Loop of Henlé

Bowman's Capsule - contains tight knot blood vessels [Glomerulus]

First twisted section - PCT (Proximal convoluted tubules)
Second twisted section - DCT (Distal convoluted tubules)


Friday, 28 October 2011

2.69 Urinary system

describe the structure of the urinary system, including the kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra


1. Right and left kidney
Each with its own separate blood supply
Excretion, filtration, osmoregulation

2. Ureter
Carries urine from the kidney to the bladder
Each kidney has a tube that leads into the common bladder

3. Bladder
Stores urine

4. Urethra
Where urine is carried out of the body
Travels down through either the vagina or the penis

2.68b Osmoregulation

understand how the kidney carries out its roles of excretion and of osmoregulation

The kidney can control the amount of water and salts in the bloodstream, keeping the blood and tissue fluid isotonic and therefore maintaining the function of the cells

Osmo - osmosis (less conc. ==> more conc.)
Regulation - control

The blood circulating into the tissue could be very concentrated or dilute, causing the tissue fluid to be hypertonic or hypotonic - both of these conditions could remove or add too much water to the cells, causing the cells to lose its function

The kidneys keep the tissue fluid isotonic - controlling the composition of the blood
(Blood forms the tissue fluid)
Excess water and salts removed and excreted down into the ureter

2.68a Excretion

understand how the kidney carries out its roles of excretion and of osmoregulation

Both the liver and kidneys remove toxic amino acids and urea from the body by breaking the amino acids down into urea (in the liver) and converting the urea into urine (in the kidneys), finally excreting it out of the body through the bladder in the form of urine

Urea, contains nitrogen
Nitrogen toxic to body - unable to store

Amino acids - Normally used for growth
Excess amino acids must be excreted (liver and kidneys)

1. Liver
- Blood circulates to the liver
- Amino acids in blood broken down
- Converted into urea
- Returns to the bloodstream

2. Kidneys
- Blood circulates to both kidneys
- Kidneys filter urea from blood
- Urea added to water to form urine

- Urine flows down into the bladder via ureters
- Filtered blood returns to the bloodstream in veins without toxic amino acids and urea

2.67b Human organs of Excretion

recall that the lungs, kidneys and skin are organs of excretion

1. Lungs
- Carbon dioxide (waste from respiration)

2. Kidneys
- Excess H2O
- Urea (nitrogen waste from amino acids, because of inability to store amino acids)
- Salts

3. Skin
- Sweat (H2O and salts)
- to a lesser extent, urea

2.67a Excretion in plants

recall the origin of carbon dioxide and oxygen and waste products of metabolism and their loss from the stomata of a leaf

Plants excrete oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) depending on whether they are carrying out photosynthesis or respiration

1. Photosynthesis
- Leaf absorbing light energy, producing oxygen
- CO2 + H2O -> C6H12O6 + O2 (Excretion - the release of metabolic waste)
- Waste excreted through the stomata

2. Respiration
- C6H12O6 + O2 -[Enzyme reactions]-> ATP + CO2 + H2O
Aerobic respiration

CO2 is metabolic waste - excretion

Monday, 10 October 2011

3.30 Mutation

Rare, random change in genetic material that can be inherited

Mutation changes the base sequence of the genes (e.g. ACT to AAT)
Allele - form of gene

Alleles exist because of mutation
i.e. A and a (dominant and recessive genes)

Mutation creates a new version of alleles
Creates new protein
Entirely different effect on phenotype

3.29 Species Variation

Variation within a species can be
- Genetic
- Environmental
- Both

Variation -> differences in phenotype (determined by Variation = Genotype + Environment)
[Continuous variation]

1. Variation entirely dependent on genotype.
e.g. blood group (A, AB, B, O...)

2. Variation modified by the environment

e.g. tallness (inherited with genotype but diet may influence it)

3. Environmental variation
Entirely dependent on environment
Cannot be inherited genetically

e.g. home language

3.31 Evolution

describe the process of evolution by means of natural selection

Evolution - Change in the form of organisms / Change in the frequency of alleles

Natural selection - Mechanism of evolution (Proposed by Charles Darwin)

Change in allele frequency by means of natural selection
-> e.g. Skin / lung infections by Staphylococcus aureus

Original form is susceptible to being killed by metheciline (antibiotic)

Random mutation - gives it ability to break down metheciline (resistant)

2 forms - (1st definition of evolution)
2nd form increases because the 1st form dies out

Natural selection:

  • Random mutation - Produces MRSA form
  • Non-random selection - Antibiotic selecting MRSA to be killed

3.33 Antibiotic resistance

Understand how resistance to antibiotics can increase in bacterial populations

Staphylococcus aureus
- Skin infections
- Lung infections

Can be treated with metheciline
Antibiotic - Chemical can kill staph.

Type of staph. that can be killed with metheciline is called the susceptible form
MSSA - metheciline susceptible staph. aur.


Random mutation to the genotype of the staph.
Bacteria does not die when given methe.

MRSA - metheciline resistant staph. aur.


Effects of use of antibiotics

MRSA increasing survival rate
Becomes more common

Resistance becoming an increasing problem within hospitals

3.34 Causes of mutation

Mutation - change of base sequence

1. Radiation
Ionising radiation (e.g. gamma rays, X-rays, ultraviolet UV-B)
UV-B causes mutation causing skin cancer

2. Chemicals
Tars, tobacco
Mutagens - Chemicals which cause mutations
Carcinogens - Mutagens which also cause cancer

3.32 Types of Mutation

Understand that many mutations are harmful but some are neutral and few are beneficial

Gene ==> New alleles [mutation]
Alleles are responsible for phenotype
New phenotype could be:
- Beneficial e.g. enzyme
- Neutral (neutrality may not last forever - +environmental changes may affect it and turn it beneficial or neutral)
- Harmful e.g. non functional enzyme

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

3.21a Genetic Probabilities

3.20 Family Pedigrees

Finding out if the condition is caused by a dominant or recessive allele

Write out genotypes and look for evidence in the diagram:

3.18c Codominance

3rd (distinct) phenotype appears: Blue x White -> Orange

Codominance -> B = W both contribute to phenotype

Monday, 26 September 2011

3.19b F1 x F1 Cross

3:1 is the Prediction Ratio or the Monohybrid F2 Ratio

3.19a P1 x P1 Cross

Friday, 16 September 2011

3.2 Fertilisation

Understand that fertilisation involves the fusion of a male and female gamete to produce a zygote that undergoes cell division and develops into an embryo

Adult male + Adult female

Diploid cells (2n) have complete set of chromosomes
In humans 2n = 46

Diploid cells divide (with meiosis) to create gametes with haploid set (n - ½ a set; 23 in humans)
Gametes in male - sperm
Gametes in female - egg

Sexual reproduction
Cells are brought together - joined/fused together
Forms one cell (Chromosomes: n + n = 2n)

New cell has 46 chromosomes - Zygote
Combination of male and female chromosomes

Zygote goes through mitosis - Cells divide to give two cells
Both contain 46 chromosomes
All cells have 2n / diploid number of chromosomes

Sufficient cells -> creates embryo

3.9b Female Reproductive System

Uterus generally small (size of orange) before pregnancy

1. Ovary - Meiosis - produces gametes (eggs)
2. Oviducts - Carry eggs to uterus
- Location where fertilisation takes place (in green)
3. Wall of uterus (muscle) - stretches during pregnancy and contracts during childbirth
4. Lining of uterus - accepts and develops egg -> embryo -> child (placenta)
5. Cervix - entrance to uterus for sperm
6. Uterus space - place where embryo develops
7. Vagina - Collects sperm cells

3.9a Male Reproductive System

Recall the structure and function of the male and female reproductive systems

1. Bladder - Stores urine

2. Testis - Meiosis (produces gametes - sperm cells)

3. Epididymis - Stores sperm cells

4. Vas deferens - Carries sperm cells to penis (tube)

5. Prostate - adds 20/30% of volume of semen, contains sugars, alkali (neutralise acidic secretions within vagina)

6. Seminal Vesicles - 70% of semen, contains "
Sperm cells are combined with prostate and seminal vesicle secretions to create semen

7. Urethra - Takes semen down penis, also exit for urine

8. Penis - Carry sperm cells into vagina during sexual intercourse

Sunday, 11 September 2011

3.12 Amniotic fluid

Understand how the developing embryo is protected by amniotic fluid

Surrounding embryo - Amniotic fluid

Protects embryo
Fluid (largely water)
- Cannot be compressed
- Absorbs pressure

Prevents damage to embryo


Tuesday, 6 September 2011

3.11 Placenta

Describe the role of the placenta in the nutrition of the developing embryo

Uterus - water-filled environment (amniotic fluids)

Embryo can't digest, breathe or excrete

Placental structure:
- Umbilical cord
Blood vessels lead from embryo (via umbilical cord) to placenta


Placenta grows out of embryo
Grows into wall of uterus

Glucose, amino acids, fats etc.
Travels through maternal blood vessel
Taken into embryo through placenta

Mother's blood -> placenta -> embryo's blood


1. Large surface area
2. Thin barrier

CO2/Urea produced by embryo
Travels into mother via placenta

Sunday, 28 August 2011

3.24c Mitosis 3

Stages of Mitosis

1. Interphase - Resting stage
DNA replication
Unable to see chromosomes

2. Prophase - Nucleus membrane breaks down
Chromosomes are now visible
Pair of chromatids
Beginning of mitosis

3. Late Prophase - Chromatids move towards spindles
Network of protein molecules (Spindle / fibres)
Extend from one pole of the cell to the other

4. Metaphase - Centramere joins to spindle fibre
Chromosomes are in the middle

5. Anaphase - Separation of the pair of chromatids
Spindle fibre shortens
Pulls chromatids apart
Move to the poles of the cell

6. Telophase - End of mitosis
Nucleus begins to reform around the chromosomes
Formation of two nuclei
Two sets of chromosomes at opposite ends of the cell


Cytokinesis - Cell splits into two
NOT part of mitosis
Membrane fuses across the equator to form two new cells
Both cells have one chromosome - Same as the parental cell


3.24b Mitosis 2

How are copies of chromosomes made?

DNA replication
- Chromosome copies itself
- Held together by centromere
- 'Pair of chromatids'


- Takes place inside the nucleus when it is still intact
- Process cannot be seen
- Interphase of cell cycle

3.24a Mitosis 1

Understand that division of a diploid cell by mitosis produces two cells which contain identical sets of chromosomes

Mitosis - Form of cell division -> Growth / Increase in the number of cells

Number of chromosomes in a cell - Diploid number (2n)
Humans - 2n = 46
Cats - 2n = 38

After cell division
- Each cell has a diploid nucleus
- Both cells are identical / daughter cells
- Inside the nuclei:
1. Same number of chromosomes
2. Same set of chromosomes (Duplicated)


Tuesday, 23 August 2011

3.16 DNA and Genetic Information

Describe a DNA molecule as two strands coiled to form a double helix, the strands being linked by a series of paired bases: adenine (A) with thymine (T), and cytosine (C ) with guanine (G)

Chromosomes are likely to contain thousands of genes
Position on it a gene loci
Expanding a gene loci -> double helix

Double helix
Expanding small section holding double helix together -> Helixes

Helixes are called sugar-phosphate backbone


Centre - group of molecules called bases
(4 types of base - adenine, thymine, cytosine, guanine)
Base pairs: A-T and G-C

Example of gene - ACTGAACCAG
Order of the bases -> The order is a gene

Nucleus - Order of bases (ACTG)
- Number of bases


Gene (nucleus) -> Protein (cytoplasm) -> Characteristic

A gene is the order of the bases on one side of the helix